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my dining room

I am so Fcukin n my roomate are Boreddddddddddd...Sunday morning woke up, sat down on the chair, switched 'd lap top on the table n 'till now I am pouring up my boredom on 'diz blog. We're trying hard to kill this boredom starting to listen to music, watch TV which are full of bastard food commercialz which make us hungry and eat lotta of food!moddafakka...........fat in my body is so overlapped.

My roomate is watching sitcom now..after she's trying to do the pilates but she gave up coz It's so boring. Me..still fixing up my blog..blogging again. My back n butts are so painful coz i've been sitting since early morning. I'm sorry tomada (my laptop's name)..i dont let u take a rest since yezterday morning. Help me to swallow up this long holiday...I miss school so muchhhh...hauhuhauahauaahuahuah =(


Unknown said...

Tomada? LOL
That's how Wahyu used to call me =D