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I really believe that everybody on this beautiful earth has a mother in their life. Just like me, I have a great mother whom I really love a lot. For me, my mother is someone who loves me and even sometimes I just can’t understand how she shows her love to me. My mother is the best gift that I’ve ever had in my life. She always makes me realize how good I am, gives all her best to me, encourages me to grab my dreams, and absolutely she is someone whom I can’t live without. Unfortunately, I have never realized how I love her so much and the way like I feel this time before God gave me a warning 2 years ago. I have a memory about my mother that has opened my eyes and changed me to be a good daughter. That memory has taught me the meaning of love for a mother, how I should care of her, how I should treat her and many more.

That memory happened on March 2002 when I was in the third grade of senior high school. My mother had been sick for more than a half of year and her health was very bad. She had never complained about her condition to her family and even she still went to work. On Wednesday morning, there was no body at home but only my mother and me. That morning, like usual I was watching my favourite TV programme when my mother was in the kitchen to wash the dishes. I actually had warned her not to do the daily activities but she didn’t listen to my admonition. I was disgruntled then I just let her did what she wanted to do. Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice was calling my name loudly. I got shocked and rushed to the kitchen to find out what had happened to her. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My mother had collapsed on the floor in front of the bath room. I was so panicked and numb. My body was shaking and trembling. I could not move from the place I was standing by. I didn’t know what I had to do to help her. Then I tried to wake her up by shaking her body rudely but she was still unconscious. I started to cry loudly and called out her name several times. Hastily, she slowly opened her eyes and stared at me. I immediately helped her to stand and guided her to the bed room. After I had laid her down on the bed, I phoned my father to tell him that something had happened to my mother. Unluckily, my father wasn’t in his office at that moment so I left him a message. In that crucial condition, I had to do something for her. That sentence resound in my head all the time. Without asking her opinion, I took her to the hospital by taxi.

As soon as we had arrived in the hospital, some nurses took her to the emergency room. I was standing beside her when a doctor came and then examined her seriously. I was so nervous and tensed. I couldn’t help to weep because my mother looked so pale and weak. My heart was beating fast. In that kind of situation, I wished that I had a big brother to accompany me because I was so scared. In fact, there was no body beside me to share of. I just could bite my fingers to flee my fear. My head was spinning around. Suddenly, I got an idea to phone some friends in order to accompany me in the hospital. No longer after that, my friends came and comfort me with their ‘magic’ words. They said that I had to be strong and tough to face this problem. They also said that this was a God’s testing to me so I had to be patient. Maybe, sooner or later I would take some precious lessons from this kind of moment.

After more than an hour of examination, the doctor told me that my mother had to stay in the hospital for intensive treatment because my mother’s health was very bad. I agreed with the doctor’s suggestion then my mother was taken to a special room for treatment. She slept after she had an injection from a nurse. I assured my friends that I could take care of my mother by my self but they still insisted to accompany me. I was touched because I had many best friends who wanted to stay beside me in my bad times. My friends and I were waiting for my mother when my father and my sister arrived.

There was something unexpected happened. My mother’s health was getting weaker and weaker. The doctor explained that my mother’s haemoglobin level was dropped. She was in critical condition. I felt that my heart jumped out. I was scared and thought negatively all the time. I didn’t want her die. I stood by her side all the days because I was afraid of losing her from my life. Until one night, she called my name gently. She said to me that there was no longer for her to live in this world. I cried loudly when she said those words. She added that if she had passed away, I had to look after of my father and sister. My mother also said that she prayed for me so that I could be a good and successful woman in this life. I shed tears and stopped her saying things like that. I told her that she would recover as soon as possible. Then I went home and cried all night long. I kissed all her clothes and stared at her pictures. I prayed days and nights to God in order no to separate me from my mother. I asked Him to give me a second chance to love and take care of her with all my heart. I really didn’t want to lose her. I didn’t know what my life would be without her. Finally God answered all my prayers. She slowly recovered after she had stayed in the hospital for 2 months.

From that moment, I can take many precious lessons that can lead me to do something better as a daughter. I learn how I should take care of my mother and how to love her. I try my best to give her more attentions. I always obey everything she says because now I realize that mother’s words are mostly true. They also can bring us some goodness. Now the relationship between my mother and I are closer than before. I always talk and share my problems with her. She is just a good listener and adviser. I keep on telling to my self that I will make her happy for rest of her life. That is my vow. I’m grateful to God who has blessed me with such kind of miracle. He still gave me a second chance to see my mother who stands by my side until this day. Sometimes I think that I must be the happiest girl on earth. I may not be beautiful, smart or wealthy but I have a great mother who always smiles at me in every single of my days. All I can say “Mother……….I love you!” and I always will.



see the crack...
courtesy of Zahirul Alwan

May, 27th 2006. It's Saturday morning at 05.55 a.m.

Just feel the shaking of the earth...
The Owner of this earth had waken us up with his saturday massive earthquake in Jogja and some other cities as well. Ladies and Gentleman, the warning of life had came to us...

What's goin' on dude? I am asking you...can you see the natural disasters here around us? The Merapi Volcano hasn't been really erupted yet. Its refugees still 'stranded' in the camps where they are not well-treated. it is. See the morning earthquake came and filled the nice weekend with such tears. The nature just cant stand anymore with our behaviors which is always neglecting the "right paths". The 57 seconds earthquake should awake us that we are nothing because The Creator of this globe can take His anytime.

Khamar...oh KhamaR

stairway to hell.....

"Barang siapa meminum seteguk khamar maka tidak diterima Allah amal fardhu dan sunatnya selama tiga hari. Dan siapa yang minum khamar segelas, maka Allah Taala tidak akan menerima amalnya selama empat puluh hari. Dan orang yang tetap minum khamar, maka selayaknya Allah memberinya dari 'Nahrul Khabal'."
Ketika ditanya, "Ya Rasulullah apakah "Nahrul Khabal itu?"

Rasulullah menjawab, "Darah bercampur nanah orang ahli neraka!

Just read it out...

Pada suatu hari, Umar Bin Khatab sedang berjalan-jalan di lorong Kota Madinah. Di ujung persimpangan jalan beliau bertemu dengan seorang pemuda yang sedang membawa sebuah kendi. Serta merta si pemuda itu pun menyembunyikan kendi yang dibawanya ke dalam kain sarung.
Melihat gelagat yang tidak wajar dari si pemuda, Umar Bin Khatab lantas bertanya, "Apa yang kau bawa wahai anak muda?"
Si pemuda pun panik mendengar pertanyaan sang khalifah yang terkenal dengan ketegasannya itu. Lalu ia menjawab dengan suara tergagap jika benda yang dibawanya berisi madu. Padahal sebenarnya kendi itu berisi khamar. Jauh dalam lubuk hati si pemuda, sebenarnya ia ingin sekali berhenti dari kebiasaannya minum air haram tersebut. Sesungguhnya ia menyesal telah melanggar apa yang dilarang oleh agama. Dan ia ingin sekali insyaf. Dalam penyesalannya, ia berdoa kepada Allah agar Khalifah Umar tidak memeriksa kendi yang dibawanya.
Karena tidak percaya dengan jawaban si pemuda, Khalifah Umar ingin membuktikan apa sebenarnya isi kendi itu. Rupanya doa tulus si pemuda untuk bertobat dikabulkan oleh Allah. Seketika itu juga kendi berisi khamar berubah menjadi madu. Allah memberikan kemudahan dan keselamatan pada si pemuda karena adanya niat yang ikhlas untuk bertaubat padaNya.

So guys...amazing banget ngga sih. Padahal pemuda itu baru niat dalam hatinya aja loh, Allah sudah sebegitu Maha Kasih pada hambaNya. Bagaimana kalo taubat itu sudah diaplikasikan dalm perbuatan yah? Mungkin aku sendiri juga belum jadi hambaNya yang baik. Tapi setidaknya kita bisa ambil pelajaran dari kisah di atas untuk menjadi hamba-hambaNya yang lebih baik. Amin.



Rasulullah SAW berkata pada Ali Bin Abu Thalib "Katakanlah, Dialah Allah adalah Tuhan Yang Satu. Dialah Allah tempat bergantung. Dia tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan. Tidak ada sesuatu pun yang sepadan denganNya. Dialah Allah, yang tiada Tuhan selain Dia. Dia mengetahui yang samar dan yang nyata. Dialah Yang Maha Pengasih dan lagi Maha Penyayang. Jika Dia menghendaki sesuatu, Dia cukup mengatakan 'Jadi', maka jadilah yang dikehendakiNya. Dialah Allah, tiada Tuhan kecuali Dia, yang hidup abadi dan berdiri sendiri. Dia tidak dilanda kantuk, dan tidak juga tidur. Dia tidak dapat dilihat, tetapi Dia melihat semua makhlukNya. Dia mengetahui segala yang lembut, tidak ada yang tersembunyi baginya. Dialah yang kuasa membuat gembira atas duka cita. Dialah yang menghidupkan dan mematikan. Dia yang membangkitkan kehidupan dari kematian dan kematian ke kehidupan. Dia memberi hidup kepada bumi dan setelah kematiannya dan kepadaNya kita semua akan kembali. Adalah Dia, Allah, yang memiliki timur dan barat. Ke mana saja engkau berada, di situlah wajah Allah hadir dan mengetahui segalanya. Itulah Allah, Tuhanmu yang memilki kerajaan. Apa saja yang kau sebut selain dia, sedikit pun tidak mempunyai kekuasaan, meski cuma atas sebutir bintik putih di punggung biji kurma."
(Arroisi, Arman, Tarikh Nabi, hal 71-72) 0 comments


Special Corn Soup

Aku suka banget sama this delicious soup. Pertama nyobain nih masakan ngrasa rada-rada aneh. Kirain yang namanya sup itu pasti kuahnya bening kayak sup buatan emak. Eh ternyata ada juga sup yang kentel+buthek kayak pikiranku klo lagi BT. Nah pendek kata, Sup jagung ini agak-agak ngga ngepas di lidahku yang notabene lidah 'pedususunan', yang terbiasa dengan traditional cuisine. Tapi lama-kelamaan aku nagih banget sama sup yang aku kenal pas pertama kali nge-kos di Jogja ini. That's why I wanna share my special recipe of this corn soup with all of U. Check it out........
  • 4 sdm susu bubuk putih
  • 2 gelas kaldu ayam (+360)
  • 2 butir telur ayam
  • 2 sdm tepung terigu
  • 300 gr jagung pipilan
  • Garam dan lada secukupnya
  • Keju parut
  • Daun peterseli
Cara memasak:
  • Masak susu bubuk putih dicampur dengan kaldu ayam, aduk sampai mendidih. Lalu masukkan telur. Setelah tercampur rata, masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diayak dan terus diaduk, masak dengan api yang kecil saja. Tunggu hingga matang. Angkat lalu saring.
  • Setelah disaring panaskan kembali diatas api. Masukkan jagung pipilan, garam dan lada secukupnya. Sebentar kemudian tuangkan ke mangkuk dan taburkan keju parut serta daun peterseli halus diatasnya.
Selamat mencoba aja yah.....


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